Rob Gronkowski's retirement causes massive weight loss

If anyone is intrigued Rob Gronkowski's plans for his athletic career, it definitely isn't the NFL especially if you see him now.

All hopes of an NFL return in 2019 have been gone along with his muscles, apparently. It's not like "The Gronk" didn't say it on numerous occasions: he is retired.

Gronk's transformation

During his playing days as the New England Patriots tight end, Gronkowski weighed around 270 pounds during the season. 

If his attendance in the premiere of Showtime’s “100 percent: Julian Edelman” has made any indication about Gronk's future, it might have just confirmed his retirement.

Gronkowski wore gray shorts and a white T-shirt as he mugged for cameras for a moment at the red carpet. He showed off his significantly trimmed down physique at the red carpet for the documentary’s debut at Foxborough’s Showcase Cinema de Lux. 

His drastic weight loss created a miniature wildfire on Twitter over the photos and video that emerged.

“Must be on a different #TB12 program now,” tweeted former NFL team doctor David Chao. 

What really caused the change?

Gronkowski has been following his teammate Tom Brady's less-than-conventional TB12 program. Alex Guerrero who is Brady's trainer has been a somewhat controversial figure around the franchise due to his medical and training influence over players.

A more valid reason is muscle atrophy where an athlete loses significant muscle weight once their playing days are over. Some gain more body fat while others lean down once they call it a career.

Where does Gronk go from here?

Time will tell. Rumor has it that the WWE has come knocking on Gronkowski's door but he hasn't decided fully if he wants to ho aboard.

There are two things we see right now for the Gronk: he is enjoying his retirement and he wants to stay that way for the time being.

What can you say about Rob Gronkowski's transformation? Are you a fan of the change? Let us know what you think in the coments secton below.

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